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Please confirm you are 18+ and do NOT experience any of the following symptoms:

We cannot accept you into our service with the following symptoms.

  • Sudden hearing loss/deterioration within the last 90 days.

  • Hearing is significantly worse in one ear. (we will check this if you are uncertain)

  • Pain or discharge in the ear for more than 7 days in the last 90 days.

  • Fluctuating hearing loss.

  • Tinnitus that is troublesome, one-sided or pulsating.

  • Vertigo - including spinning, dizziness, swaying or floating sensations?

  • Blocked hearing from Earwax or foreign body objects.

  • Under current ENT investigations for any symptoms.

This service is for age-related hearing loss only. Please confirm you do NOT have the following symptoms:

Symptoms (we cannot accept you into our service with the following symptoms)


Sudden hearing loss/deterioration within the last 90 days.


Hearing is significantly worse in one ear. (we will check this if you are uncertain)


Pain or discharge in the ear for more than 7 days in the last 90 days.


Fluctuating hearing loss.


Tinnitus that is troublesome, one-sided or pulsating.


Vertigo - including spinning, dizziness, swaying or floating sensations?


Blocked hearing from Earwax or foreign body objects.


Under current ENT investigations for any symptoms.

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